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Before writing an academic paper, especially a PhD dissertation or thesis, one is required to read hundreds and hundreds of journal papers. This helps the student understand the intellectual debate...
A Gantt chart is a common tool used in the project management field. It is used for schedule planning of a project and its tasks and activities. It shows the tasks, their start and end dates, and...
If you have done undergraduate or are in any postgraduate program, then you must have come across the term "annotated bibliography." Most academic programs require students to write an annotated...
What Is Academic Referencing? Academic referencing is basically using someone else’s words, data or findings in your academic writing and giving them the credit. It is a crime not to...
How To Use Zotero For Reference Management (An Illustrative Guide)
As a PhD student, you will be required to read hundreds and hundreds of scholarly papers and other literature in order to produce a quality dissertation. Effective management of literature will...
A concept paper - or concept note - is one of the initial requirements of a PhD programme. It is normally written during the PhD application process as well as early on in the programme once a...